Here’s a 2004 article from the Washington Post:
The Washington Circle of Master Healers gathers monthly for guided meditation sessions at St. Alban’s Episcopal Church or on the grounds of the Washington National Cathedral. “The purpose is threefold,” says organizer Susan Magee. “To share with each other our healing gifts, experiences and wisdom; to heal ourselves, our city and our world; and to build community.” The gatherings usually draw 20 to 25 people; some come every month, others only once or twice a year. “All are on a spiritual journey and are interested in exploring different levels and dimensions of consciousness,” Magee says. Some attendees have healing practices — Magee is a certified hypnotherapist, energy healer and meditation teacher — but everyone is welcome at the events, which include men and women from diverse spiritual traditions.
By Karen Kullgren
Special to The Washington Post
Friday, September 24, 2004; Page WE60Please note: The Washington Circle of Master Healers is now referred to at the Meditation Healing Circle and continues to hold gatherings at the Washington National Cathedral.